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My Guide Cape Town von Online- & Mobile-Reiseführern, die jeweils von lokalen Experten betrieben warden. See all destinations
Cape Town is a city with a rich cultural heritage that offers visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the unique history and traditions of the region. From iconic landmarks to vibrant neighborhoods, there are endless opportunities to explore the diverse culture of this vibrant city. This season, why not discover Cape Town's heritage through a series of immersive activities that will provide you with a deeper understanding of the city's past and present. Whether you're interested in exploring historical sites, sampling traditional cuisine, or engaging with local artists, Cape Town has something for everyone.
Cape Town, South Africa is known for its stunning beaches that offer sun, sand, and sea. From iconic beaches like Camps Bay to hidden gems like Llandudno, there is a beach experience for every type of traveler. Whether you're looking to relax on the sand, catch some waves, or enjoy a beachside cocktail, Cape Town's beaches have something for everyone.
Cape Town is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, with a wide variety of hiking trails offering breathtaking views of the city, Table Mountain, and the surrounding coastline. Whether you're a seasoned hiker or a beginner looking to explore the outdoors, Cape Town has something for everyone. With its mild climate and diverse landscapes, there are countless opportunities to immerse yourself in the scenic beauty of this unique destination. From lush forests to rugged cliffs, here are 20 hiking trails in Cape Town that promise unforgettable vistas.
Cape Town is a foodie's paradise, offering a wide array of seasonal gourmet delights that will tantalize your taste buds. From fresh seafood to farm-to-table produce, this South African city has something for every palate. In this article, we will explore 20 suggestions for experiencing Cape Town's seasonal gourmet delights.
Cape Town is known for its vibrant festivals and events that showcase the city's diverse culture, history, and entertainment offerings. From music festivals to food fairs, there is something for everyone to enjoy. This season, experience the best of Cape Town's festivals and events that will leave you captivated and wanting more.
Cape Town, South Africa, is a destination known for its diverse wildlife and stunning landscapes. One of the best ways to experience this natural beauty up close is by embarking on a thrilling wildlife safari. Whether you're hoping to catch a glimpse of the iconic Big Five or you're interested in observing unique bird species, a safari in Cape Town is sure to be an unforgettable experience. From game drives to walking tours, there are plenty of options for travelers to choose from when planning their wildlife adventure.
1. Serenity Spa RetreatIndulge in the ultimate relaxation at Serenity Spa Retreat situated in the heart of Cape Town. This luxurious spa offers a wide range of treatments
1. Stellenbosch Wine RouteEmbark on a scenic journey through the renowned Stellenbosch Wine Route. This area boasts a rich history of winemaking and offers a variety of v
1. Table Mountain HikeEmbark on a breathtaking hike up Cape Town's iconic Table Mountain. Discover the vibrant spring blooms along the various hiking trails while enjoyin
Begib dich auf eine aufregende Kreuzfahrt vom Hafen in Hout Bay zur Duiker Island, wo du Tausende von wilden Kap-Pelzrobben aus nächster Nähe in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum beobachten kannst.
Nimm eine Seilbahn auf den Tafelberg und besuche das Bo Kaap für Fotos mit seinen bunten Häusern. Halte am Chapman's Peak Drive an und erkunde Boulder's Penguin Colony und Cape Point (ohne Gebühren).
Entdecke die Tierwelt und die Schönheit Südafrikas in einigen der Nationalparks des Landes. Erkunde einige der Top-Spots auf einer Fahrt entlang der Garden Route, um dieses südöstliche Küstenparadies zu erkunden.
Hast du schon mal von den Big 5 der Meere gehört? Gansbaai, SA, ist der beste Ort, um Wale, Robben, Haie, Delfine und Pinguine auf einer einzigen Reise zu beobachten. Erfahre mehr über diese Tiere und ihre Schutzbemühungen.
Erlebe einen 12-minütigen Hubschrauberflug entlang der Küste von Kapstadt und genieße den Panoramablick auf das Stadion, die schönen Stadtteile und die Wahrzeichen der Natur.
Entdecke das Aquila Private Game Reserve, in dem die Big 5 und eine große Anzahl anderer Wildtiere frei umherstreifen. Nimm an dieser Pirschfahrt bei Sonnenuntergang teil und erlebe ein unvergessliches Wildniserlebnis.
Erlebe den multikulturellen und aufregenden District Six aus der Perspektive der Einheimischen. Du hast die Möglichkeit, während deines Besuchs in den geschichtsträchtigsten Townships Südafrikas mit einheimischen Unternehmern und Bewohnern ins Gespräch zu kommen.
Fahre mit dem Dampfzug von Kapstadt aus und besuche mit einem Hin- und Rückfahrtticket den belebten Elgin Railway Market. Nutze deine Freizeit und genieße die lokalen Lebensmittel, Kunsthandwerker und Live-Musik.
Entdecke die Mother City auf einem Elektrofahrrad mit einem erfahrenen lokalen Guide. Auf dieser landschaftlich reizvollen Tour entlang der Atlantikküste lernst du die reiche Geschichte Kapstadts kennen, während du die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt besuchst.
Entdecke die Schönheit des Kaps der Guten Hoffnung auf dieser privaten Tour. Erlebe berühmte Berge, unberührte Strände und afrikanische Pinguine und reise zum südwestlichsten Punkt des afrikanischen Kontinents.
Hast du schon mal von den Big 5 der Meere gehört? Gansbaai, SA, ist der beste Ort, um Wale, Robben, Haie, Delfine und Pinguine auf einer einzigen Reise zu beobachten. Erfahre mehr über diese Tiere und ihre Schutzbemühungen.
Begib dich auf eine aufregende Kreuzfahrt vom Hafen in Hout Bay zur Duiker Island, wo du Tausende von wilden Kap-Pelzrobben aus nächster Nähe in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum beobachten kannst.
Entdecke das Aquila Private Game Reserve, in dem die Big 5 und eine große Anzahl anderer Wildtiere frei umherstreifen. Nimm an dieser Pirschfahrt bei Sonnenuntergang teil und erlebe ein unvergessliches Wildniserlebnis.
Entdecke die vielen Attraktionen Kapstadts auf einer Doppeldecker Bustour. Steig in den Bus ein und aus, wann immer du willst. Fahre auf den 3 Tour-Routen und genieße mehrsprachige Kommentare.
Besuche das Kap der Guten Hoffnung auf einer Ganztagestour mit Abholung vom Hotel und Rücktransfer zum Hotel in Kapstadt. Verbringe eine Stunde mit afrikanischen Pinguinen am Boulders Beach und genieße die Aussicht vom Cape Point Lighthouse.
Besuchen Sie einige der berüchtigten Townships von Kapstadt, darunter District Six, und erfahren Sie mehr über die Apartheidpolitik Südafrikas. Besuchen Sie anschließend Robben Island, wo Nelson Mandela inhaftiert war.
Werde mit deinem persönlichen Guide zu Gast in den Townships Südafrikas. Geh durch die Straßen, unterhalte dich mit den Einheimischen, besuche die Schulen. Mit deinem Guide Camissa bist du kein Voyeur, du bist ein Gast.
Entdecke den Reichtum der Stadt, während du dich entspannst und mit unserem professionellen Guide fährst. Erkunde die Seapoint Promenade, die kultigen Company Gardens, das bunte Bo-Kaap und die majestätische V&A Waterfront
Von einem örtlichen Experten ausgewählt
Von einem örtlichen Experten ausgewählt
Von einem örtlichen Experten ausgewählt
Von einem örtlichen Experten ausgewählt
Von einem örtlichen Experten ausgewählt
Arniston is an old fishing village where the local people still earn their living from the sea. The white sandy beaches, unspoilt sand dunes and the intriguing Waenhuiskrans cave are some of the treasures it offers. Waenhuiskrans was so named as the cave was said to be so large that a wagon and span of oxen could turn full circle within it!
Our guide to Atlantic Seaboard by our Cape Town local expert - Cape Town's Atlantic Seaboard stretches along the western shore of the Cape Peninsula, from Hout Bay all th...
Cape Point is the higher of the two peaks in the Cape Point Nature Reserve. The other peak is called the Cape of Good Hope. Most people think that Cape Point is the southernmost tip of Africa – but that honour belongs to Cape Agulhus - about 150 km’s to the South East.
The City Bowl makes up the heart of the city between the bay, the foot of Table Mountain and the neighbouring Lion´s Head and Signal Hill. It covers the entire area betw...
Constantia is South Africa´s oldest wine growing region. The grandest estate in the area is Groot Constantia (Big Constantia) that was established in 1684 by the Dutch C...
Our guide to Franschhoek by our Cape Town local expert - French protestant Huguenots came to Cape Town after fleeing persecution from the Catholic Church in France and finding temporary refuge in Protestant Holland. They came to the Cape from the 1680’s till the mid 1700’s. Many of these Huguenots became wine farmers and brought much needed expertise to the Dutch wine farming communities in Cape Town. They settled in what was then known as the Olifantshoek Vallei. This area later became known as 'Le Quartier Francais', which means 'French quarter". Today it's known as Franschhoek.
Our guide to Hermanus by our Cape Town local expert - About 90 minutes outside Cape Town is the beautiful town of Hermanus.
Hout Bay ("Wood" Bay) was christened by Jan van Riebeeck himself who discovered these dense forests providing the timber required for the construction of ships and the Ca...
Our guide to Langebaan by our Cape Town local expert - The most popular origin of the name Langebaan is that the Dutch seafarers named it after the long strip ("Lange Baan") of calm water formed by the Lagoon. The lagoon is not a freshwater lagoon, but it is a saltwater lagoon - which makes it extremely unique. The West Coast National Park is dedicated to protecting this beautiful natural heritage and is a safe haven for many migratory birds.
Our guide to Montagu by our Cape Town local expert - Montagu is a small country town that is surrounded by fascinating mountains whose rock striations show that some terrible tectonic plate shifting happened here very long ago. Two rivers, Keisie and Kingna, that flow from the hills behind Montagu converge in the valley and then negotiate the rocky terrain toward Ashton. The road that runs through Montagu – route 62 - used to be one of the roads connecting the two harbours of Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. The old toll-house in the valley next to river between Ashton and Montagu still stands today, although it now offers accommodation.
Our guide to Paarl by our Cape Town local expert - Paarl is the third oldest European settlement in South Africa and is famous for its Pearl Mountain or ‘Paarl Rock’ that has been compared in majesty to Ayres Rock, and which overlooks a number of Paarl's wine estates. The rock was named by the explorer Gabbema who wandered through the area in 1657 and decided the granite rock, when glistening in the sunlight after a rainfall, looked liked like pearls and diamonds.
The name Paternoster comes from the Latin phrase Patre Nostre meaning "Our Father". According to local legend, this is the prayer the Portuguese sailors were uttering when their ship, The Lisboa, ran aground here on 23 October 1910.Â
Our guide to Stellenbosch by our Cape Town local expert - Stellenbosch, or Stellies as many locals call it, has a palpable sense of history and culture. Located in the heart of the famous Cape Winelands, and the second-oldest Cape settlement after Cape Town, this is hardly surprising. The small city streets are lined with a number of beautiful oak trees, many of them over 250 years old, giving rise to its nickname as the ‘City of Oaks'. Many of these now grand oaks were planted to supply wood for the burgeoning wine industry, and as such they play a significant role in Stellenbscoh's history. Stellenbosch is also known for the highly regarded Stellenbosch Univeristy, which is home to a range of local and international students, many of which show a larger than normal appreciation for two of the country's favourite pastimes - wine and rugby.
Our guide to Swellendam by our Cape Town local expert - The Greater Swellendam area is a beautiful country destination 2 to 3 hours east of Cape Town, halfway between Cape Town and George on the N2. Swellendam is the third oldest settlement in South Africa after Cape Town and Stellenbosch, and is not only famous for its youngberries, but as well as for its architecture and its history.
Our guide to Tulbagh by our Cape Town local expert - Situated in the Breede River valley, Tulbagh is 120km North West of Cape Town and almost completely surrounded by three majestic mountain ranges – The Great Winterhoek in the north, Witzenberg on the east and the Obiqua mountains in the west.
Our guide to Victoria & Alfred Waterfront by our Cape Town local expert - The V&A Waterfront is one of Cape Town's most visited and celebrated attractions for locals and ...
Mein Guide Cape Town ist Teil des globalen My Guide Network der Online- & Mobile-Reiseführer.Mein Guide Cape Town ist Teil des globalen My Guide Network der Online- & Mobile-Reiseführer.
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